Sunday, June 24, 2007
Blueprint for Acquiring World of Warcraft Gold
World of Warcraft this is true. There are many different options for earning gold in
World of Warcraft. Many resort to buying the virtual money with their real money. Not only is this a waste, but it also
runs you the risk of having your account banned. It takes a little work, but it is far more logical to increase your bag space, make a profit by buying and selling items at the
auction house, or gain a profession for extra gold such as: skinning, fishing, or mining. If you utilize all of these things you can easily quickly increase the amount of gold
that you earn.
Bigger bags mean more space for item storage and the more you hold the more you can gather during the long instance runs with no merchants to access for selling unwanted items.
Also having more bag space is good for holding the items that you collect with your professions. Skinning and mining are great professions because all you need to carry is one
tool for each of them. A pick for mining and a knife for skinning.
Once you have gathered the skins and refined the ores you will want to sell them at the auction house. These items are always big sellers because they are things that everyone
needs but many do not want to bother with collecting them themselves. Also sell your unneeded rare items and recipes because there will always be someone looking for a
particular item that they need.
There are also some extremely helpful guides and books on the subject of earning World of Warcraft gold. You will definitely want check them out because they can help you to
earn more gold and save you time.
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Explore Middle-earth: Woodhall
sees little traffic. Gossip tends to be a favorite pastime for the hobbits who dwell here, and travelers may want to avoid the occasional nosey hobbit if they find themselves
passing through.

While the village of Woodhall is relatively small and unimportant, the wooded hills it rests beneath are another matter. Overlooking the village is a wide, green clearing within
the forest where the trees form a sort of hall, complete with pillars and canopy. It is rumored that sometimes Elves can be seen traveling through Woody End and that their
lights can be seen hanging in the boughs of the clearing some evenings.
The clearing above Woodhall is where The Elf-company of Gildor Inglorion took Frodo Baggins and his companions after startling away the Black Rider who was hunting them in The
Fellowship of the Ring. Who can say what players of The Lord of the Rings: Shadows of Angmar will find in the encampment
above Woodhall?
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Characters of Middle-earth: Gildor Inglorion
The noble and respected Gildor Inglorion of the House of Finrod is one of the eldest of the Elves yet remaining in Middle-earth, though his strong, youthful appearance may be deceiving. He now makes his home in the House of Elrond in Rivendell, but he can often be found in the wilds of Middle-earth with a small band of elves under his command. Gildor keeps a watchful eye over the hobbits of the Shire and the other peaceful communities, his keen eyes watching the movements of those that dwell in the darkness and shadows. Gildor is an Elf of much wisdom and immeasurable skill with blade and bow. He has elected to stay in Middle-earth with Elrond and the others, though many of their kin have long since departed across the sea from the Grey Havens.
(Click for larger image)
Though Gildor has a rich history dating back over the centuries of Middle-earth's past, he is perhaps best known as the leader of the band of Elves which frightened away one of the dreaded Black Riders from Frodo and company in the pages of The Fellowship of the Ring. In so doing, Gildor saved the hobbits, welcoming them into the Elf-camp near Woodhall and allowing the companions some much-needed rest.
Gildor and his company are magnificently arrayed, even when on simple patrol, and seem to shimmer with the beauty of moonlight when they move. Wanderers in the lands of Eriador may travel with some degree of comfort, knowing that Gildor and the powerful Elves from Rivendell in the east are watchful over the movements of the Enemy.
[Comments? Post them here!]
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Wealth Beyond The Dreams Of Avarice: Gold In World Of Warcraft
First, a disclaimer. Lots of sites will claim to teach you how to make thousands of WoW gold in an hour or a day. Nearly all of them are scams, either relying on bugs that were patched by Blizzard up to a year or more ago or relying on client hacks or hacked .dll files.
The first ones are asking for money for an e-book that gives advice that won't work (and won't refund your money, either!), while the second one runs the risk of getting your account banned and your characters deleted by Blizzard, which runs a warden client to check for malicious hacks and cheats in the code.
What we're describing is a legitimate strategy guide that will legally let you accumulate WoW gold in the shortest period possible. These include the comprehensive Level 40 Gold Guide, to let you learn the fastest way possible to get your first mount, solo.
It's also got the Ultimate Gold Guide, with the best strategies to maximize your gold per hour earning, including advice on professions and how to level them up fast.
If that weren't enough, the WoW Gold Guide has a Reputation Guide that will show you how to get to exalted status in the fastest and best way possible, including how to get 500-700 reputation points per hour with Cenarion Cycle.
Plus the most extensive class and build guides for World of Warcraft, optimizing talent builds for Player versus Player and Player versus Everyone, or a balanced build for both. It also includes the World of Warcraft itemization Guide, which describes (from reverse engineering) the system that Blizzard uses for balancing items...and where they made mistakes on some items!
All the strategies in this guide are legal - none of them require hacking your client and running the risk of an account ban!
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Fishing(world of warcraft)
The first two won't make a lot of gold but are good for a little extra spending money while you skill up.
Oily Blackmouth sells for around 10 silver each on most servers. Best fishing spots for these are:
Menethil Harbor, Wetlands
Southshore, Hillsbrad Foothills
Zoram'gar Outpost Ashenvale
The Merchant Coast, The Barrens
Near Northwatch Hold, The Barrens
Baradin Bay
Firefin sell for 5 silver each and can be caught in many zones. My favorites are:
Blackwolf River in Stonetalon Mountains
Dreadmurk Shore in Dustwallow Marsh
Western Strand Fishing in Hillsbrad Foothills
One your fishing skill is well into the 200's, you can start raking in the gold. Fish for Stonescale Eel, the price depends on the server as always but 1 to 1.5 gold each is common. You can easily get 20 to 30 an hour fishing in these spots:
Bay of Storms in Azshara
Feathermoon Stronghold in Feralas
A special mention for Deviate Fish which sells for about 20 silver each in Horde AH and up to 1 gold in the Alliance AH on PvP servers.
The fish can be caught in any Oasis in The Barrens which is why fishing there isn't a popular pastime for Alliance characters on PvP servers. One little know fact however is that the Wailing Caverns instance is on the same fishing loot table. Once your Alliance character is 30+, you can happily zone into WC kill the 3 or 4 mobs in the entrance and fish all day undisturbed.
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Monday, June 4, 2007
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Accountability - Younger players please read this
Accountability, if you do not know what it means enter the following text into your Google search box, define: accountability .
It is very easy to blame other people for your actions or problems, for example the most common and these are so common you hear about them everyday on Runescape, I got hacked, I got scammed, that player got me killed.
When you play Runescape you are in control of a character and an account, it is your responsibility to keep both safe.
If you tell someone your password even a very close and trusted friend there is a chance you will have an argument and a very good chance your ex friend will tell others your password just to upset you, you then stand a chance of losing your items or your account.
In this situation you could say that your friend hacked you, if you had not told them your password they would not have hacked you so it is your fault not your friends or ex friends.
It is not easy to hack or crack an account despite what people say so if your account is stolen it is because you told someone your password, or your password was easy to guess, it is your responsibility to have a difficult password to guess.
Many people say I was scammed and lost items, it is not the scammers fault it is still your fault, Jagex give you all the tools to prevent being scammed, when you trade you have a second trade screen you should check it every time, check the item and the quantity every time you trade, get into this habit and you will NEVER be scammed, I am so used to doing this that I check even trading with friends that I trust.
"That player got me killed" no player can get you killed, if you go down with the mole in Fally park and a player asks you to turn off the light if you turn off the light you will get eaten by insects, if you die the player asking you to turn off the light did not get you killed, you got yourself killed by turning off the light, there used to be a situation where people asked you to get the Zammy wine and they would give you a reward, taking the wine without using telegrab you would be attacked by the wizards there and a good chance of death, it was still your responsibility to make sure it was safe before doing something so you got yourself killed, this has changed now and it is very difficult to get yourself killed there now but bad players will still find ways of encouraging you to kill yourself.
If in doubt about anything on Runescape go with the minimum of items to see if it is safe, if you are offered something for doing a simple task be careful and don't take anything you don't want to lose.
If you have trouble understanding this please leave a comment and I or any of the other clan members will try to explain it better.
Don't worry many adults have trouble being accountable for their actions as well, yes many adults like to blame others for their faults and problems but the successful ones such as Richard Branson and most of the millionaires who have worked for their wealth treat any failures as their own fault, if a business has failed because the staff were not good enough at their job it is easy to blame the staff, is it not the fault of the management for not picking the correct staff or not training them adequately? no its the fault of the man at the top for not picking the correct management to pick the correct staff and arrange training.
Take responsibility for your actions and you will keep your items and your account, you might even become a millionaire in real life.
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