sees little traffic. Gossip tends to be a favorite pastime for the hobbits who dwell here, and travelers may want to avoid the occasional nosey hobbit if they find themselves
passing through.

While the village of Woodhall is relatively small and unimportant, the wooded hills it rests beneath are another matter. Overlooking the village is a wide, green clearing within
the forest where the trees form a sort of hall, complete with pillars and canopy. It is rumored that sometimes Elves can be seen traveling through Woody End and that their
lights can be seen hanging in the boughs of the clearing some evenings.
The clearing above Woodhall is where The Elf-company of Gildor Inglorion took Frodo Baggins and his companions after startling away the Black Rider who was hunting them in The
Fellowship of the Ring. Who can say what players of The Lord of the Rings: Shadows of Angmar will find in the encampment
above Woodhall?
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