Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Yet another massive social problem somehow blamed on WoW

What does the Australian media have against World of Warcraft? First, they profile two people who have "had their lives ruined" by WoW. Now we have this wonderful article on terrorism by Natalie O'Brien in the Australian, which includes this paragraph: "Kevin Zuccato, head of the Australian High Tech Crime Centre in Canberra

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1 comment:

Alej@ndra said...

Hello, my name is Alejandra, I'm from Spain, so I don't understand a lot of the things you say here, but I want to say one thing; I love the Warcraft, but I'm angry because of WoW has to pay to play it. Haven't you anything to say about this? I thought it was a good uh... thing to comment here, yes... Well, I suppose you understand me.
Yes, and, that's all, I think your blogg it's very good, I'm sad of don't know more English to understand all, jaja. If you want, you can pass through my blog, it's, or contact me with msn, bye!