Wondering if class deeds are supposed to not progress on grey mobs. I've been told by many people that they should progress, but mine don't, unless the mob is not grey.
This is the way it should be if you ask me, only reason I bring it up is because so many people are telling me it should work. (Perhaps this was a change in the last patch?)
Wondering if class deeds are supposed to not progress on grey mobs. I've been told by many people that they should progress, but mine don't, unless the mob is not grey.
This is the way it should be if you ask me, only reason I bring it up is because so many people are telling me it should work. (Perhaps this was a change in the last patch?)
I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but I can confirm that I was able to progress my Hendroval and Spider Slayer deeds in Erid Luin by killing grey mobs. There's not another way for me to do it since all of the mobs in Erid Luin are grey now. Because of that, I suspect you are asking about something something else.
EDIT: I guess those ^ would be virtues.
As a minstrel, I think one of my class deeds is to get a critical with piercing cry 100 times. I'm almost positive that it's increasing when I kill grey mobs. I've assumed that it works against anything that I kill. I've even been using it on level 2 squirrels and such whenever the cooldown is up. I actually try to go after greys when I can because I can kill them in one shot with it and I just assume that I can crit easier against greys, but that's unsubstantiated.
EDIT: I guess those ^ would be virtues.

As a minstrel, I think one of my class deeds is to get a critical with piercing cry 100 times. I'm almost positive that it's increasing when I kill grey mobs. I've assumed that it works against anything that I kill. I've even been using it on level 2 squirrels and such whenever the cooldown is up. I actually try to go after greys when I can because I can kill them in one shot with it and I just assume that I can crit easier against greys, but that's unsubstantiated.
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